How you can share the Earth with everyone?
Do you want to know how?
Share the earth? 
You see how the value of land rises more and more and makes life more expensive. You would like us to find a solution for this. You are curious about the idea of sharing the entire Earth with each other and dealing with it properly as a heritage.
- Support the idea of making the entire Earth World Heritage worthy.
- Receive information about the situation with regard to land ownership and which advantage we (you) can gain
- Follow our Veerhuis promotion to give away land; translated into a new economy and new society
Sign up to keep you in touch
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In a poem
geef de aarde
haar zachtheid terug,
haar kinderen,
haar wind en haar waaien,
haar bomen van papier
en zeeën van tijd.
geef de aarde
haar zon terug,
de warmte van haar buik,
de vlucht van haar vogels,
de geur van haar grond
en het verse groene gras
van toen haar zomer
nog in de zomer viel.
geef de aarde
alles wat je in huis hebt
en geef jezelf dan,
ja jijzelf,
geef jezelf dan maar weer…
de aarde terug,
in de stam van je lijf,
in het water van je bloed,
in het licht van je hart,
in de lucht van je huid,
in de ruimte van je zien,
in het draaien om je as.
Gaston Bannier
In numbers
The entire earth is 14.9 billion HA. If we want to make the earth World Heritage worthy, there has work to be done.
How do we do that?
Dream big. Start small. And so we start this year already by removing the land under the Veerhuis from the market, so that that land can never be sold again and ceases to be a commodity.
We give the Earth back to itself. And take care of her.
If our land is no longer a commodity, the Veerhuis has no interest and repayment on the land and we pass that advantage on to you. Very simple: the cup of coffee goes from € 2.50 to € 2.00.
“Humans merely share the earth. We can only protect the land, not own it”
Chief Seattle
We have calculated on the basis of this Veerhuis example what it means for the world, when all land again meets the wishes of Chief Seattle and is free. For each of the 7 billion residents, this means a basic income by saving € 18,000 per year. A kind of reverse basic income.
There is much more money in the world than we need for the real economy. That is because we also trade in land. Suppose we take the land out of the money system? Then we no longer have to create money to buy and sell land. We only need money for trade in real economic values, food, clothing, home and so on. What an enormous relief for the economy! Care for the Earth then becomes the responsibility of all people. After all, the Earth belongs to us all.
Register and we will keep you informed.
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